Overall Farmer Health
Daily exposure to hazards such as loud machinery and high temperatures put agricultural workers at risk for serious injury. Alliant has prepared some tips and tools around some of the risks associated with hearing loss, heat stroke and COVID-19 in order to promote safe and healthy practices through the harvest season and beyond.
Hitting the "Reset" Button on Your Safety Program
Taking a second look at your safety programs and building a safety culture as part of the "fabric" of the company is more important than ever, especially when returning to work after COVID-19. Bruce Droz and Max Macias, Alliant Agribusiness, discuss hitting the "reset" button on your safety program and building a safety culture to help reach your safety goals. Listen Now >
Safety Sheets - English
Continued Health Screening
The release of COVID-19 vaccines have left many confused when it comes to job safety and protocols. Can COVID-19 precautions end if all employees are vaccinated? The vaccines are only one of several tools in the arsenal used to fight COVID-19. Even after receiving both doses of the vaccine, employers should continue to implement strategies to reduce risks to the safety and health of workers and workplaces from COVID-19.
Emergency Preparedness
Farms, like most workplaces, face unexpected emergencies and disasters, which can be natural or  man-made. To help lessen the impact of these events, employers and supervisors should develop and exercise emergency action plans (EAPs), which prepare workers for emergencies and disasters before they occur.
Hearing Loss
Hearing loss from exposure to noise is common among workers in the farming industry. Hearing loss is permanent and irreversible that gradually worsens. Employees are exposed to a number of loud noises during a routine day. Fortunately, hearing loss can be prevented. Here's how!
Heat Stroke
Heat exhaustion occurs when people are exposed to high temperatures for extended periods of time without hydration. Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness and requires immediate medical attention. Use these steps to ensure the safety of your employees when exposed to high temperatures.
Safe Employee Practices
As businesses continue to reopen, keeping employees safe from exposures to COVID-19 is paramount. Start with an essential safety framework using combinations of engineering and administrative controls, safe work practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent COVID-19 exposures.
Safety Sheets - Spanish
Preparación de los Agricultores para Emergencias (Emergency Preparedness)
Las granjas, como la mayoría de los lugares de trabajo, enfrentan emergencias y desastres inesperados, que pueden ser naturales o causados por el hombre. Para ayudar a reducir el impacto de estos eventos, los empleadores y supervisores deben desarrollar y ejercitar planes de acción para emergencias (EAPs), que preparen a los trabajadores para emergencias y desastres antes de que ocurran. Lee Mas>
Pérdida Auditiva (Hearing Loss)
La pérdida auditiva por la exposición al ruido es algo común entre los trabajadores de la industria agrícola. La pérdida auditiva es permanente e irreversible y empeora gradualmente. Los empleados están expuestos a una cantidad de ruidos fuertes durante un día de rutina. Por suerte, la pérdida auditiva se puede prevenir. Lee Mas>
Golpe de Calor (Heat Stroke)
Ocurre agotamiento por calor cuando las personas quedan expuestas a altas temperaturas por largos períodos de tiempo sin hidratación. El golpe de calor es la enfermedad más grave relacionada con el calor y requiere atención médica inmediata. Los síntomas incluyen confusión, dolor de cabeza, desmayo, convulsiones, presión corporal muy alta y piel caliente, roja y seca o sudor profuso. Lee Mas>

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