Agricultural Fertilizer & Chemical Safety
The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 10,000-20,000 farm workers nationally are poisoned on the job each year due to pesticide exposure. Workers who handle pesticides must be properly trained to protect themselves from hazardous material as pesticides can enter the body through the skin, mouth, eyes or lungs causing both acute and chronic health effects. Alliant has comprised a series of resources to help protect agribusiness workers while handling harmful pesticides.

Pesticide and Chemical Safety
Pesticide exposure causes farm workers to suffer more chemically-related injuries and illnesses than any other occupational group in the nation. Bruce Droz, Alliant Agribusiness, sits down with Max Macias, Alliant Safety and Risk Control, to discuss the importance of a solid pesticide and chemical safety program. Listen Now >
How Product Recall Coverage Has Evolved After the Pandemic
Food recalls continue to rise and the resulting disruption in operations can result in significant long term financial losses. Bruce Droz and Trey Busch, Alliant Agribusiness, speak with Lori Hunter, Executive Vice President, Amwins, on how the pandemic has impacted and improved the food safety industry, how product contamination and recall coverages have evolved and strategies to mitigate product recall risks. Listen Now >
Pesticide Safety
Pesticide exposure is harmful to not only the employees who apply and prepare the pesticides, but also to the workers who handle the treated crops and soil. Employees should read and/or understand all labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all pesticide
hazards they are exposed to. Read More >
Working with Toxic Chemicals Safely
Many chemicals used in agriculture, including fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, animal medications, cleaning agents and solvents, are hazardous to your health. Before you begin working with any chemical, identify its potential hazards, become familiar with how to best protect yourself and be aware of the procedures to follow if an incident takes place.  Read More >
Seguridad con los Pesticidas (Pesticide Safety)
La exposición a pesticidas es dañina no sólo para los empleados que aplican y mezclan pesticidas, sino también para los trabajadores que manejan las cosechas y los campos rociados. Los pesticidas pueden residir en la ropa del trabajador, en las botas y en la piel, exponiendo posteriormente a la familia del trabajador. Todas las etiquetas y SDS (Fichas de Datos de Seguridad) proporcionarán información sobre los siguientes puntos clave. Lee Mas>
Cómo trabajar con productos químicos tóxicos de forma segura (Working with Toxic Chemicals Safely)
La exposición a pesticidas es dañina no sólo para los empleados que aplican y mezclan pesticidas, sino también para los trabajadores que manejan las cosechas y los campos rociados. Los pesticidas pueden residir en la ropa del trabajador, en las botas y en la piel, exponiendo posteriormente a la familia del trabajador. Todas las etiquetas y SDS (Fichas de Datos de Seguridad) proporcionarán información sobre los siguientes puntos clave. Lee Mas>

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